One of the women who was mistress of the house was an avid gardener, and so before her marriage broke up when she left with her lover, a beautiful walled garden was constructed for her enjoyment. As I walked through and marveled at the beauty I couldn't help feel a little bad for those women in their long heavy gowns that would have taken a turn in the almost shade free paths. In fact I felt pretty bad for the gardeners who were working the grounds in the 30 degree sun we were enjoying.
Also on the grounds and built for the use of the original homeowners and their future generations was a chapel. The old structure has a sign posted right inside the gate informing you of all the worship times that are available to attend but as you walk around it, it is very difficult to imagine sitting all that comfortably through a service in the somewhat decrepit building.
Of course the kids were anxious to see the large playground and were pretty insistant that after some ice cream that should be our next stop in the park. Sadly not very long into their exploration of the equipment offered they settled on the swing set while it was available and my son fell in a most spectacular way that is really very hard to explain directly onto his head into the wood chips below his swing. Despite an impressive bump on the back of skull he was fine but it did do a masterful job of ending time on the actual playground as we left in search of ice. However despite this first introduction they are both determined to go back and try all the apparatus available, presumably without the head drop.
We still managed to walk some of the trails once the tears had dried and found a lovely shaded spot right by the lake to enjoy the remainder of the waning afternoon and devour our packed dinner before we headed home for the evening. We all had something we still wanted to explore and as the park is really only about 15 minutes from us I assume that we will be back for more picnics here. The also host many theater in the park options that we may draw us back as well.
Today we were invited to spend the afternoon visiting some friends who live about 30 minutes down the road in a village in the Cotswolds. I felt disappointed that I forgot to grab my camera as they walked us around the charming village. Small, intimate and full of the beautiful white brick houses that I have come to truly love, I found the place completely endearing and well worth the drive.
What beautiful gardens! I have always felt like I could enjoy many days strolling through the English gardens. Unfortunately, I am no green-thumb myself so I can't create someplace lovely in my own space.